Perfect Hand washing Steps to Know

It is important to wash our hands as it reduces the risk of us getting infections or spreading to others. Scientists affirms that good hand hygiene reduces the rate of certain respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. This article will highlight the perfect hand washing steps

Although it’s impossible to keep your hands germ-free, washing your hands frequently can help limit the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
Below are detailed handwashing steps.

Hand Washing Steps

The steps below are the perfect hand washing steps;

  1. Wet your hands with water
  2. Apply enough soap. Liquid soap preferably.
  3. Rub your hands together. ( palm to palm)
  4. Clean the back of each hand with the other palm
  5. Scrub between your fingers by interlacing your fingers and rubbing back and forth
  6. Clean the back of your interlocked finger by rubbing it in the opposite palm
  7. Clean around each thumb with the opposite hand
  8. Rub the tips of your fingers on the palm of your other hand. Do the same with other hand
  9. Wash each wrist with the opposite hand
  10. Rinse your hands with running water
  11. Clean your hands with a clean towel

also read: 11 Proven Health Benefits Of Taking Water

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When To Wash Our Hands

Before and after you:

  • Eat food
  • Prepare food
  • Exposed to someone with an infectious illness
  • Enter a hospital, doctor’s office, nursing home, or other healthcare setting
  • Clean and treat a cut, burn, or wound
  • Take medication, such as pills or eye drops
  • Use public transportation, especially if you touch railings and other surfaces
  • touch your phone or other mobile device

after you:

  • Cough, sneeze, or blow your nose
  • Touch visibly dirty surfaces, or when there’s visible dirt on your hands
  • Handle money or receipts
  • Have touched a gas pump handle, ATM, elevator buttons, or pedestrian crossing buttons
  • Shake hands with others
  • Engage in sexual or intimate activity
  • Have used the bathroom
  • Change diapers or clean bodily waste off others
  • Couch or handle garbage
  • Touch animals, animal feed, or waste
  • Touch chemicals.

Maintain a healthy handwaving hygiene and protect yourself and your family from getting sick.

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