Reasons why your Vagina will Itch and Treatment

Vaginal itching can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing when doing the crotch-itch dance in public. Vagina itching can resolve on its own but when it persist, its a sign of some other serious conditions. When you notice vaginal itching, it is important to understand the cause before any treatment. Treating the condition improperly may cause more harm. This article will highlight reasons why your vagina will Itch you.

What causes Vaginal Itching?

The following reasons are why your vagina will Itch, they include;

Yeast Infection (Vaginal candidiasis)

Naturally, the vagina harbors yeast though in a regulated amount. When the yeast, grow excessively in the vagina and vulva, it results in uncomfortable symptoms, including itching, burning, and lumpy discharge.

According to mayo clinic, 3 out of 4 women experiences yeast infection at a period in their lives. The infection can occurs as a result of pregnancy, antibiotics, intercourse and stress leading to weakened immunity.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, genital herpes, pubic lice, trichomoniasis etc can cause Vaginal itching and irritation.

This conditions occurs when one engage in unprotected sex.

Chemical Irritants

Chemical Irritants from condoms, soaps, douches, vaginal creams, toilet paper, bath products, feminine hygiene products, vaginal contraceptive  products, menstrual pads etc can cause itching to the vagina or vulva.

When this kind of itching comes, it is best if possible to avoid scratching as it worsens the condition. Usually this itching resolves after the person stops using these products.

Changes In Estrogen Level (Menopause)

One of the changes believed to occur with age in women is menopause. This is characterized by reduction in estrogen level, leads to thinning of the Vaginal lining (atrophy) and dryness. Dryness can cause itching and irritation in the vagina.

Bacterial Vaginosis

This results from imbalance of the normal beneficial bacteria in the vagina.
Besides itching, other symptoms that come with bacterial vaginosis are inflammation, burning, discharge, and a fishy-smelling odor.

BV affects people that are sexually active though not a sexually transmitted disease. It can be confused with yeast infection, so its best to contact a health professional.

Skin Diseases

Some skin conditions like Psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, eczema and lichen sclerosis can cause itching and redness around the vulva.

Pinworms Infection

One of the worms that infect the intestine is the pinworm. Female Pinworms leave the intestine through the ankus and deposit eggs on the skin around the anus when the person is asleep. The symptoms includes anal and Vaginal itching, and is generally spread by inadequate hand washing from infected persons.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that crops up anywhere in your tract. It is characterized by pelvic pain, a strong urge to pee, a burning sensation when you pee, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine.

it can also cause itching in the form of a tingling, irritated sensation, especially if the infection is located near your urethra.

Also read: Cloudy Urine: 8 Causes and What it Means

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Waxing Or Shaving Irritation

The last reason why your vagina will Itch you is waxing. When we wax or shave anywhere on the body we disrupt the skin’s integrity, redness, itching, and burning can occur in those sensitive to it. Some hypoallergenic cream or lotions to protect the skin, as well as keeping it dry and clean can also cause itching and irritation to the skin in the genital area.

Treatment For Vaginal Itching

If you are having vaginal itching, it is best you consult a healthcare professional before you start any treatment. As the treatment needed will depend on the underlying cause of the problem.

Vaginal Yeast Infection

This is treated with antifungal medication, which can be inform of cream, ointments, pills taken orally or suppositories. They can be bought over the counter and are to be taken under prescription.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Bacterial Vaginosis.

These can be treated with antibiotics, antiparasitic or antiviral. It advised that the individual should abstain from sexual intercourse and also take the medication regularly.


Another reason why your vagina will Itch you is menopause. Vaginal itching as a result of menopause may be treated with estrogen cream, vaginal moisturizer, tablets, or a vaginal ring insert.Other forms of vaginal itching can resolve on their own. Steroid creams and lotions can be used to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

The reasons why your vagina will Itch you may be reduced by;

  • Placing a cold compress, such as a washcloth, on the labial area can help with discomfort
  • Taking a sitz bath with water covering the genital and rectal areas

Ways To Prevent Vagina Itching

The following preventive measures can be used to reduce the risk of vaginal itching and irritation. These includes;

  • Keep your genital area clean by using warm water and a gentle cleanser.
  • Avoid using scented soaps, lotions and bubble baths. To wash the genital area, use just water to rinse.
  • Don’t wash more than once a day, doing so can increase dryness.
  • Wear cotton panties (no synthetic fabrics), and change your underwear every day.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing, cotton underwear during the day, and no underwear while sleeping to help your vagina breathe.
  • Don’t apply hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders near the vagina
  • Avoid douches, because they eliminate healthy bacteria that help fight infections
  • Eat yogurt with live cultures to reduce the chance of getting yeast infections
  • Change out of wet or damp clothing right after swimming or exercising
  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse to help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until your symptoms improve.
  • Always wipe from front to back after using the toilet
  • Keep your blood glucose under control if you have diabetes
  • Use pads instead of tampons (cotton or other absorbent material) if you have an infection
  • Avoid scratching as you can further irritate the area.

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